Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Is it really over?


Each day, you are awakened by his wake up call, and lovingly, you are asked what you want for breakfast. He’ll fetch you from your workplace and drive you home after those romantic dinner dates. Then, he’ll check if you’re already home and ends the night with words of love. But all of a sudden you wake up one day when all the sweetness turned sour. Then, you’ll realize that your being special to someone is gone. All those gestures of love are over.

Inasmuch as you want to end well what started well, what if your own fairy tale doesn't have its happy ending? Will you end up okay or broken into pieces? If you end up the latter, it’s about time to pick yourself up.

Make yourself busy

What keeps you haunted by sad memories is the fact that your mind is focused on what ‘just happened’. After the breakup, there’s a tendency that your emotions are centered on the pain that you are going through. Then, you feel rejected and worst, you lose your self-esteem. Hence, make yourself busy on doing the things that you like. Enhancing your talents and learning some skills are the best ways to not allow loneliness get in the way of your self-improvement and rediscovery.

Focus on your assets

Rather than dwelling on the feelings of rejection after a painful breakup, why not sit back, relax, and think about what you've got as a person. No one knows more about you but yourself. Think of some talents and positive qualities that you possess. Recognize your assets and focus on them. By so doing, you will have the confidence that you need to break free from negative feelings.

The pain of breaking up can give you emotional stress. Hurting is the product of an unfulfilled expectation. If you cannot avoid it, then at least you can set it aside from your focus in life. Make sure that you are the one in control of your emotions. Pray for the strength you need. Save yourself from total despair and protect your well-being by learning from that mistake. After all, there are a number of reasons to be a happier person. Make yourself one! 

Photo Credits: Google